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Id generation from prime numbers factorization

How to generate unique ID numbers on a multithread application??


  • Generated ID are unique
  • Minimal synchronization between thread
  • No synchronization between thread during generation
  • No order assumed, just different values

Ids generated from primes

The idea is to generate the ids as product of powers of prime numbers

 id = p_1^f1 * p_2^f2 * p_2^f3 * ... * p_n^fn

We use different prime numbers in each thread to generate different sets of ids in each thread.

Assuming that we use primes (2,3,5), the sequence will be:

2, 2^2, 2^3, 2^4, 2^5,..., 2^64

Then, when we see that a overflow will be generated, we roll the factor to the next prime:

3, 2*3 , 2^2*3, 2^3*3, 2^4*3, 2^5*3,..., 2^62*3

Generation class

Each instance of class IdFactorialGenerator will generate different sets of ids.

To have a thread save generation of Ids, just use ThreadLocal to have a per-thread instance setup.

package eu.pmsoft.sam.idgenerator;

public class IdFactorialGenerator {
    private static AtomicInteger nextPrimeNumber = 0;

    private int usedSlots;
    private int[] primes = new int[64];
    private int[] factors = new int[64];
    private long id;
    public IdFactorialGenerator(){
        usedSlots = 1;
        primes[0] = Sieve$.MODULE$.primeNumber(nextPrimeNumber.getAndAdd(1));
        factors[0] = 1;
        id = 1;

    public long nextId(){
        for (int factorToUpdate = 0; factorToUpdate < 64; factorToUpdate++) {
            if(factorToUpdate == usedSlots) {
                factors[factorToUpdate] = 1;
                primes[factorToUpdate] = Sieve$.MODULE$.primeNumber(nextPrimeNumber.getAndAdd(1));
            int primeToExtend = primes[factorToUpdate];
            if( primeToExtend < Long.MAX_VALUE / id) {
                // id * primeToExtend < Long.MAX_VALUE
                factors[factorToUpdate] = factors[factorToUpdate]*primeToExtend;
                id = id*primeToExtend;
                return id;
            } else {
                factors[factorToUpdate] = 1;
                id = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < usedSlots; i++) {
                    id = id*factors[i];
        throw new IllegalStateException("I can not generate more ids");

To get the prime numbers I use a implementations on scala provided here in the problem 7:

object Sieve {

  def primeNumber(position: Int): Int = ps(position)

  private lazy val ps: Stream[Int] = 2 #:: Stream.from(3).filter(i =>
    ps.takeWhile(j => j * j <= i).forall(i % _ > 0))


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