A specific use of Guice custom scopes is presented. You can have many problems trying something similar, so be careful.
The reason to present this post, it to have a reference to explain a similar custom scope used in Service Architecture Model:
Problem: nested passing of parameters
A business operation may be explicitly defined in a context of several high-level context objects. To improve reusability, code is split in several layers and nested method execution pass the context object. In the example below such situation is shown in one class.
public class NestedParamaterPass { public void businessOperation(BusinessData data, Person person, Manager manager, Context context){ // some operation firstNestedCall(data, person, manager, context); } private void firstNestedCall(BusinessData data, Person person, Manager manager, Context context) { secondNestedCall(data, person, manager, context); } private void secondNestedCall(BusinessData data, Person person, Manager manager, Context context) { // just keep going and pass all parameters } }
Because this is one class, it may be possible to create private fields and some how synchronize code execution (We don't want to lose thread confinement). Below it is done with ThreadLocal.
public class NestedParamaterPassLocally { private ThreadLocal<BusinessData> data; private ThreadLocal<Person> person; private ThreadLocal<Manager> manager; private ThreadLocal<Context> context; private void clearBusinessContext() {; this.person.set(null); this.manager.set(null); this.context.set(null); } private void setupBusinessContext(BusinessData data, Person person, Manager manager, Context context) {; this.person.set(person); this.manager.set(manager); this.context.set(context); } public void businessOperation(BusinessData data, Person person, Manager manager, Context context){ setupBusinessContext(data, person, manager, context); // some operation firstNestedCall(); clearBusinessContext(); } private void firstNestedCall() { secondNestedCall(); BusinessData currentData = data.get(); } private void secondNestedCall() { // just keep going // How to pass context object to other class????? SomeHelperClass helper = new SomeHelperClass(); helper.passMePleaseTheBusinessObjects(); } }
Note that this solution only solve the problem for local methods. To expose the business objects to other classes, it is necessary to some how publish references to the ThreadLocal containers. This is the case of the SomeHelperClass helper class used on secondNestedCall above.
Solution: Publish objects by a controlled scope
The controlled scope approach will allow You to have a implementation of SomeHelperClass as below:
public class SomeHelperClass { @Inject private Provider<Person> person; @Inject private Provider<Manager> manager; public void passMePleaseTheBusinessObjects(){ Person currentPerson = person.get(); Manager currentManager = manager.get(); // make some business operation on Person and Manager only. } }
To make this work, the guice provider must be aware of the ThreadLocal containers used to keep the current context object.A solution is to create a custom scope that will manage the 4 ThreadLocalContainers given above. More generic solutions can be done, but to ilustrate the idea assume the following Guice scope:
public class ControlledScope implements Scope, BusinessContextControl { private final ThreadLocal<BusinessData> data = new ThreadLocal<BusinessData>(); private final ThreadLocal<Person> person = new ThreadLocal<Person>(); private final ThreadLocal<Manager> manager = new ThreadLocal<Manager>(); private final ThreadLocal<Context> context = new ThreadLocal<Context>(); private static class ThreadLocalWrapperProvider<T> implements Provider<T> { private final ThreadLocal<T> reference; public T get() { return reference.get(); } private ThreadLocalWrapperProvider(ThreadLocal<T> reference) { this.reference = reference; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> Provider<T> scope(Key<T> key, Provider<T> unscoped) { if (Key.get(BusinessData.class).equals(key)) { return (Provider<T>) new ThreadLocalWrapperProvider<BusinessData>(data); } else if (Key.get(Person.class).equals(key)) { return (Provider<T>) new ThreadLocalWrapperProvider<Person>(person); } else if (Key.get(Manager.class).equals(key)) { return (Provider<T>) new ThreadLocalWrapperProvider<Manager>(manager); } else if (Key.get(Context.class).equals(key)) { return (Provider<T>) new ThreadLocalWrapperProvider<Context>(context); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("This controlled scope is only for specific business object types."); } } public void clearBusinessContext() {; this.person.set(null); this.manager.set(null); this.context.set(null); } public void setupBusinessContext(BusinessData data, Person person, Manager manager, Context context) {; this.person.set(person); this.manager.set(manager); this.context.set(context); } }
Note the BusinessContextControl interface in the scope implementation. This interface defines a public interface to control the business context:
public interface BusinessContextControl { void setupBusinessContext(BusinessData data, Person person, Manager manager, Context context); void clearBusinessContext(); }
Now the first solution can be simplified to
public class NestedParamaterPassControlled { @Inject private BusinessContextControl controller; @Inject private Provider<BusinessData> dataProvider; @Inject private SomeHelperClass helper; public void businessOperation(BusinessData data, Person person, Manager manager, Context context){ controller.setupBusinessContext(data, person, manager, context); // some operation firstNestedCall(); controller.clearBusinessContext(); } private void firstNestedCall() { secondNestedCall(); BusinessData currentData = dataProvider.get(); } private void secondNestedCall() { // just keep going helper.passMePleaseTheBusinessObjects(); } }
Now the business code have only two method calls related to context setup, and business objects are available in any nested method call in the thread. Note that helper object is created before the business context is setup, this is ok because SomeHelperClass injects Providers of the business objects.
Guice configuration
To put it all together configure the guice module as follow:
public class ControlledContextModule extends PrivateModule { @Override protected void configure() { ControlledScope scope = new ControlledScope(); bind(BusinessData.class).in(scope); bind(Context.class).in(scope); bind(Person.class).in(scope); bind(Manager.class).in(scope); bind(BusinessContextControl.class).toInstance(scope); // additional bindings related to business operation with context given // by the controlled scope. // Don't forget to expose business API } }
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