How to understand the difference between "Dependency Injection" and "Inverse of Control"? Problem lies in lack of examples to "Inverse of Control" different than "Dependency Injection". So, below You can find a simple example to see the difference. On car traffic, each car is "controlled" by a driver. On front of stoplights, cars line up waiting for green light. Drivers accelerate at the sight of green lights, but they do it with delay. This leads to a situation as shown: Applying the Inverse of Control principle, stoplights could take "control" of car's acceleration and execute a synchronized and fast start on green light. So inverse of control for car-semaphore scenario looks like this: How is Dependency Injection related to Inverse of Control?? Well, on Dependency Injection you take the "control" over the new statement from developers to architect. Control on developer looks like this: public clas...